
摘要 : 2016年5月24日,国际期刊《Journal of Biogeography》在线发表了中国科学院武汉植物园植被生态学科组江明喜研究组题为“Genetic evidence for central-marginal hypothesis in a Cenozoic relict tree species across its distribution in China”的研究论文

2016年5月24日,国际期刊《Journal of Biogeography》在线发表了中国科学院武汉植物园植被生态学科组江明喜研究组题为“genetic evidence for central-marginal hypothesis in a Cenozoic relict tree species across its distribution in China”的研究论文,论文利用孑遗植物分布找到符合中心-边缘假说的遗传证据。魏新增副研究员为该论文的第一作者,江明喜研究员为论文通讯作者。

中心-边缘假说(Central-Marginal Hypothesis)是物种分布区限制的重要理论假设之一。一般来说,中心-边缘假说假设物种的中心分布区比边缘分布区具有更加适宜的生存环境,进而导致(1)中心区种群丰度更大、种群内遗传多样性更高、种群间遗传分化更小和(2)中心向边缘的不对称基因流。在物种分布区尺度上,植物在纬度梯度上的遗传变异格局往往受中心-边缘动态和冰期后向北扩张(北半球)共同决定,进而导致沿纬度梯度遗传多样性的顶点多数情况下稍向南偏移,这种现象在受冰期影响较大的欧美地区更为突出。然而,以往此类研究往往忽略遗传变异地理格局形成的另一重要驱动因子——地形的影响。因此,本研究选取受冰期影响较弱且地形复杂的华中-西南地区,在物种分布区尺度上揭示植物遗传变异的地理格局及其形成过程中各驱动力(中心-边缘动态、冰期后迁移和地形)的相对作用。




(图2遗传多样性的纬度梯度和经度梯度格局;AR等位基因丰富度Allelic Richness;HE预期杂合度Expected Heterozygosity)


GENEtic evidence for central-marginal hypothesis in a Cenozoic relict tree species across its distribution in China



This study tests predictions of the central-marginal (C-M) hypothesis using geographical patterns of genetic variation in a Cenozoic relict tree species Euptelea pleiospermum. Additionally, we explore the extent to which post-glacial recolonization and landscape barriers created by topographical heterogeneity shape spatial genetic variation.


South-west and central subtropical China.


Using microsatellite data of 678 individuals from 21 populations, we documented geographical patterns of genetic diversity and population genetic structure, supplemented with current and past (Last Glacial Maximum, LGM) distributions based on species distribution models (SDMs). Genetic structure was determined by non-spatial and spatially sensitive Bayesian clustering, analysis of molecular variance, barrier analysis and a multivariate population graphing approach. We also examined both historical and contemporary gene flow.


Genetic diversity significantly declined with distance from centre and showed unimodal patterns along both latitude and longitude. The C-M pattern of genetic diversity along latitudinal gradient is high-latitude-skewed, with the peak at higher portion of the species' latitudinal extent. The Sichuan Basin divided individuals into south and north clusters, whereas the Qinba Mountains did not. The general shape of the predicted distribution during the LGM is strongly similar with that of current distribution, except the Sichuan Basin.

Main conclusions

Our study provides genetic evidence for the C-M hypothesis in a Cenozoic relict tree species across its distribution in China. The Sichuan Basin, rather than the Qinba Mountains, acts as dispersal barrier for a mountain tree species. Our results suggest that in situ refugia were maintained across southwest and central China during the LGM. The slight post-glacial northward expansion and asymmetrical south–north historical-gene flow did not result in a low-latitude-skewed C-M pattern of genetic diversity. Instead, complex topography in combination with the C-M dispersal dynamics shaped the latitudinal pattern of genetic diversity.

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12788

