吴鹏昊1,2 任姣姣1 田小龙1 王乐乐1 李国梁1 刘文欣1 陈绍江1

玉米单倍体加倍是DH育种中的关键环节之一,然而较低的雄穗自然加倍能力往往限制了DH育种技术的广泛推广,因此需要对其自然加倍的遗传特性进行深入探讨。本研究通过对多个不同遗传背景来源的单倍体的雄穗自然加倍能力进行严格地统计学差异比较,发现单倍体育性恢复主要受核基因的控制,不受细胞质基因的调控;诱导率对单倍体雄穗自然加倍能力可能没有影响;经过加倍一代的后代单倍体其自然加倍能力与其自交系相比也没有显著差异。 英文摘要: Haploid spontaneous doubling in maize is one of the key steps in DH breeding, but average low rate of male fertility limits the broadly application of DH technology. Therefore it is need to make a deep study to the genetic traits of its spontaneous doubling. In this study, many kinds of haploids with different genetic background were investigated with their male fertility and compared with each other, It is found that haploid spontaneous doubling is mainly controlled by by gene in nuclear, instead of genes in the cytoplasm; the haploid induction rate has little effect on haploid male fertility; there is also no significant difference of haploid spontaneous doubling between haploids from DH1 and their corresponded inbred.