
为给提高夏玉米产量和养分效率提供依据,利用2011-2014年河北省“测土配方施肥”数据库数据对河北省夏玉米产量差和效率差进行了分析。结果发现:河北省夏玉米一般农户产量、高产农户产量、配方施肥产量和高产纪录产量分别为7.91、10.10、8.41、11.09 t/hm2,所对应的YG1、YG2、YG3分别为2.19、0.50、3.18 t/hm2,存在较大的产量差。邯郸地区的产量潜力和产量差最大,廊坊和沧州的产量潜力最小,而产量差则以石家庄和衡水最小。一般农户、高产农户、配方施肥和高产纪录的氮肥偏生产力分别为39.5、47.3、42.7、50.3 kg/kg,所对应的氮肥偏生产力差PFPG1-N、PFPG2-N、PFPG3-N分别为7.8、3.2、10.8kg/kg,存在较大的效率差。不同地区玉米氮肥偏生产力效率差则以邯郸最大,邢台最小。 英文摘要: Hebei is one of the most important summer maize production provinces in China. In order to understand the yield potential, yield gap and nutrient use efficiency gap in Hebei plain, a systematic research was conducted based on the dataset which was built by the National Soil Testing and Formulated Fertilization Project in Hebei province. The maize yield in the dataset was divided into 4 maize yielding levels of farmers’ average yield, best farmers’ yield, experimental yield, and high yielding record, and then 3 yield gaps (YG) were calculated, and related N use efficiency of PFP-Ns were calculated according to the 4 yield levels. The results showed the 4 yield levels of farmers’ average yield, best farmers’ yield, experimental yield, and high yielding record were 7.91、10.10、8.41、11.09 t/hm2, respectively, and the YG1, YG2 and YG3 were 2.19、0.50、3.18 t/hm2, respectively. The Handan area had the highest yield potential and yield gaps, Langfang and Cangzhou areas had the lowest yield potential, and Shijiazhuang and Hengshui areas had the lowest yield gaps. The nutrient use efficiency of PFP-N for farmers’ average yield, best farmers’ yield, experimental yield, and high yielding record were 39.5、47.3、42.7、50.3 kg/kg, respectively, and correspondent nutrient use efficiency gaps of PFPG1-N, PFPG2-N and PFPG3-N were 7.8、3.2、10.8kg/kg, respectively. The Handan area had the highest