Mol Plant Pathol:农科院植保所王国梁研究组解析稻瘟病抗性遗传结
近日,院选核心期刊《molecular plant Pathology》上在线发表了中国农业科学院植物保护研究王国梁研究员领衔的团队在水稻抗稻瘟病遗传结构解析方面取得新进展,从400多份国际水稻种质资源中鉴定到97个稻瘟病抗性关联位点并克隆到两个新的抗稻瘟病基因。相关研究成果发表在院选核心期刊《分子植物病理学(Molecular Plant Pathology)》上。 康厚祥博士为第一作者,王国梁博士为通讯作者。
田间生产实践表明,大部分抗稻瘟病基因推广应用几年后其抗性易被克服,因此,通过不断发掘水稻资源中新的抗稻瘟病位点是持续控制稻瘟病危害的前提和基础。本研究以从国际水稻所6万多份水稻资源中选取的400多份具丰富的遗传多样性的水稻资源以及来自世界各地的5个稻瘟菌小种为材料,结合全基因组关联分析(GWAS)及分子生物学等研究手段,绘制了一张覆盖水稻全基因组的抗性关联位点图谱,鉴定到97个抗性关联位点,其中包含82个新位点。进一步通过分子生物学手段克隆了其中两个新的抗稻瘟病基因LABR_61-1 和 LABR_64-2。这些抗性位点和新基因为抗稻瘟病分子育种提供了图谱和基因资源,对控制稻瘟病的危害具有重要的理论和应用价值。
Dissection of the genetic architecture of rice resistance to the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
Resistance in rice cultivars to the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae is complex and is controlled by both major genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs). We undertook a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using the rice diversity panel 1 (RDP1) that was genotyped using a high-density (700 000 single nucleotide polymorphisms) array and inoculated with five diverse M. oryzae isolates. We identified 97 loci associated with blast resistance (LABRs). Among them, 82 were new regions and 15 co-localized with known blast resistance loci. The top 72 LABRs explained up to 98% of the phenotypic variation. The candidate genes in the LABRs encode nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) resistance proteins, receptor-like protein kinases, transcription factors and defence-related proteins. Among them, LABR_64 was strongly associated with resistance to all five isolates. We analysed the function of candidate genes underlying LABR_64 using RNA interference (RNAi) technology and identified two new resistance alleles at the Pi5 locus. We demonstrate an efficient strategy for rapid allele discovery using the power of GWAS, coupled with RNAi technology, for the dissection of complex blast resistance in rice.